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¿How to administer product´s options in OpenCart?

Posted by Dharma Web Studio 15/07/2017 0 Comment(s) OpenCart Tutorials,

The Options section allows you to create different variants of the same product and depending on this you can assign different price, inventory levels, reward points or weight to each of these variants. An example could be the color selection for a shirt. On the product page, the "Available options" section is displayed below the price and will allow the customer to choose a variant. The option for that product must be selected before the customer can add the product to the shopping cart.

The steps to follow, to make use of these functions of OpenCart are the following:

  • Create options
  • Assign the products to the options and configure their properties



Create options

To create the product options, go from the administration menu to Catalog> Options and click on the "Insert" or "Edit" button. The form contains the following fields:

Name: The name of the option.

Type: The type of option corresponds to the type of field to be filled by the user. OpenCart offers the following types:

  • Select: Provides a drop-down box where the client should select an option value.
  • Radio: A list of options with their values ​​is presented. Only one selection can be made. Clicking on another selection will deselect the previously pressed option and will move to the selected selection.
  • Checkbox: A list of options with their values ​​is presented. Multiple option values ​​can be checked at once.
  • Image: Provides a selection of radio along with small uploaded images.
  • Text: A single-line text area where the user can write a short answer.
  • Text Area: A text area where the user can type a long answer or paragraph
  • File: Selecting a file.
  • Date: Select a date.
  • Time: Select one hour.
  • Date and Time: Select a date and time.

If you select type (select, radio, checkbox or image) you must fill in the values ​​of these options.

Order: The order will affect the arrangement of the options on the product page.


Assign the options to the products and setup their properties

Now that we have the options created, we need to edit the individual products to configure product variations. To do this, go to Catalog> Products and click the "Insert" or "Edit" button. Then click on the Options tab.

In the option field, we add the option that we previously registered in the manufacturer field. When we start typing the name of the option, the system will populate the field looking for previously registered options.

Then you just have to set the price variation, the inventory levels, select if it is necessary to deduct the inventory when a sale is made, the reward points and the weight variation. The price, reward points and price will vary by adding or subtracting the configured in the data tab.


View the options in the product page

To view the options, you can visit the store the product that you have previously configured. In this case you can view them near the field units and price.


This article is based on OpenCart and there may be some differences if you use another version of OpenCart. In those cases do not hesitate to ask us in the comments section of this post.

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