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Privacy Policy

In this section we explain the treatment we give to the data and sensitive information that we could handle in the framework of the provision of the services and sale of computer products, (hereinafter "PRODUCTS AND SERVICES") that we offer in our website . We also explain the treatment of the data we collect when you visit our website.

This Privacy Policy will be governed by the General Data Protection Regulation or Regulation [EU] 2016/679).

Likewise, we inform you of the existence of a personal data file created by and under the responsibility of Daniel Civit Chavez (From now on DHARMA WEB STUDIO), exercising autonomous status in Spain and information number fiscal 39425922N duly registered.

The collection and processing of your personal data is based at all times on the contractual and / or pre-contractual relationship you have with DHARMA WEB STUDIO. Therefore in no case will be used for purposes other than those specified in work agreements and projects in the case of services, or those necessary to make a purchase of a product that is published by us.

To register on the DHARMA WEB STUDIO website it will be necessary to have contact information and tax and billing information.

When you visit or use our website, we record data such as the frequency of access to each page, the dates and times you access, location or session times in which you stay in specific content. We use login logs, when you read our emails, and Internet Protocol ("IP") addresses to maintain an anonymous and global record of user behavior on our platform.

To buy or contract our services, through the website you can pay through Paypal or credit card or debit card, in which case you will be redirected to the corresponding payment platforms and we will not store data related to your credit card or Paypal account.

We do not make automated decisions based on profiles, beyond the personalization of advertising and the legitimate prevention of Internet fraud.

DHARMA WEB STUDIO, as responsible for the processing of your data, will treat your personal data with the following purposes:

  1. Manage your registration as a user of our website to identify you and give you access to the PRODUCTS AND SERVICES that are available to you as a user.
  2. Contact you via email, in relation to updates or informative communications related to the features, products or services contracted, including security updates, whenever necessary and reasonable.
  3. Respond to requests or requests made through the customer service channels available in DHARMA WEB STUDIO.
  4. We also use your information to generate aggregate data that does not identify you. For example, generate statistics about our users, their profession or sector, the number of impressions or clicks in a given course or project, or the demographic distribution of visitors.
  5. In cases where you accept the subscription to our newsletter or newsletter, we will use your email to recommend information articles or products and services related to your profile.

We will keep your personal data during the validity of the contractual relationship with us and, once finished, during the limitation periods of the obligations that may have arisen from the processing of the data and / or the terms that are legally established.

To fulfill the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, it may be necessary for us to communicate or give your personal data to third parties for the following reasons:

  • Service Providers: to provide services on our behalf or to help us with the services we provide you. For example, we hire service providers to provide marketing, advertising, communications, infrastructure and information services, to personalize and optimize our service, to process transactions with credit cards or other payment methods, to provide customer service. client, collect debts, analyze and improve data (such as, for example, data on user interactions with our service), and process and administer satisfaction surveys. For service efficiency, said collaborators and lenders may be located in the United States or other countries or territories located outside the European Economic Area that do not provide a level of data protection comparable to that of their country or, where appropriate, of the Union. European.
  • Business assignments: in connection with any reorganization, restructuring, merger or sale, or other transfer of assets, we will transfer information, including personal information, as long as the receiving party agrees to treat your information personal in a way that conforms to our Privacy Policy and you will be contacted and inform about it.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you expressly authorize us to process and communicate your personal data to the aforementioned companies and / or to transfer your personal data to the aforementioned service providers as treatment managers located outside the European Economic Area for the purposes here described and give you a complete service. When, on the occasion of an exchange of information, we transfer personal information to countries outside the European Economic Area and other areas that have data protection laws, we will ensure that the information is transferred in accordance with this Privacy Policy and that it allows it the current legislation on data protection.

As responsible for the processing of your data, we are committed to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to guarantee the exercise of your rights. At all times you can exercise the following rights:

  1. Access right . You have the right to confirm that we are treating your personal data and, if so, to obtain a copy of said data and complete information about the treatment.
  2. Right to rectification . You have the right to correct errors, modify inaccurate or incomplete data and guarantee the certainty of the information under treatment.
  3. Right to delete . You have the right to request the deletion of your data without undue delay, in case the treatment is illegal or the purpose that motivated your treatment or collection would have disappeared.
  4. Right to limitation of treatment . You have the right to request the suspension of the treatment if it is unlawful or the accuracy of the data has been challenged.
  5. Opposition right . You have the right to oppose the processing of your data when it has as its object direct marketing or when it should cease treatment for reasons related to your personal situation, unless a legitimate interest is proven or necessary for the exercise or defense of claims.
  6. Right not to be the subject of individualized decisions . You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects or affects you, unless it is necessary for the execution of a contract, is permitted by law or has given your explicit consent.

By accessing your user area you can directly exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition or forgetting, from the section RGPD Tools" .

You can also exercise your rights by sending an email to: , clearly indicating:

  • Your identity, indicating, at least, your full name and the email address you used when buying or registering at DHARMA WEB STUDIO.
  • A document that allows you to prove your identity.
  • Your comments about the right or rights you want to exercise.

The exercise of these rights is free, except for the consideration of exceptional cases in which manifestly unfounded or excessive requests are made, in which case the interested party may be required to assume costs related to their processing.

We use cookies, which are small files with information about your browsing in DHARMA WEB STUDIO and whose main purpose is to facilitate your navigation in it. Please read our cookies policy to learn more about the cookies we use, their purpose and other information of interest.

This document relating to our Privacy Policy has been updated for the last time on 12-12-2018.